RM NIMBUS PC-186 SERIAL COMMUNICATION WITH WINDOWS PC FINALLY!!! YES!!! I've successfully cracked another unsolved mystery.... "RM Nimbus PC-186 Serial Communication with Windows PC" this morning around 11:52am, this time in order to prevent from damaging my prized RM Nimbus PC-186 PC2 from Matt, I've used my RM Nimbus X10 PC (only early model YD-640 Floppy Drive still works as both 3 x Rodime R0352 Type 02 10MB HDD s - 2 unused & 1 faulty and XEBEC 104786 SCSI SASI to MFM Disk Controller board are damaged ) for experimenting, as my 1987 re-designed RM Nimbus 186 PC2 is no longer working as both floppy drives doesn't boot. I've 'borrowed' RM Nimbus 186 Memory Module Expansion board from Matt's PC for enabling "RM NIMBUS PC-186 IBM MODE SUPPORT v2.70" - COLOUR GRAPHICS ADAPTER (CGA) loaded up using this command: SETPC IBM /C via IBM Mode Software For Nim...